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Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel
Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel
Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel

Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel

0.3 USD ($)/Piece

Product Details:


Dressing stone for turing diamond grinding wheel Price And Quantity

  • 3000 Millimeter
  • 0.3 USD ($)/Piece

Product Description

Widely used in the automotive glass field for truing metal bond diamond grinding wheel edges to expose new diamonds and maintain the sharpness in glass processing.

When using super-abrasive wheels with resin, metal, and vitrified bond, it is necessary to use these dressing sticks a periodically to do the dressing & cleaning job on the surface of grinding wheels in order to ensure that the abrasive grain is protruding above the bond and maintaining good cutting ability.

Abrasives Grit
2 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
2.5 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
3 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
3.5 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
4.2 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
4.9 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
5 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
5.1 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
8 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
8.2 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
9 30-50 120,150,180,200 WA 120#,150#,180#,220#,240#
... ... ... ... ...

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